Thursday, February 5, 2015

You Are An Expert

What do you do well? If I were to find a random group of 100 people, what do you suppose you could do better than 80 percent of them? We all have our talents and our special skills. Maybe you're a good cook, maybe you play piano, maybe you're great at styling your hair or cutting other peoples hair. Maybe you draw or paint or do makeup. Maybe you organize well or you can fix cars. Maybe you're good at video games or board games or dancing or investing.

If I were to find a random group of 100 people, I suppose that 80 percent of them would better than me at all of the things that I just listed. But I also know that I have my own list of talents and special skills. I may not be in the top 5 percent of anything but thats ok. If I'm in the top 20 percent there are still millions of people out there who I can teach, bless and add value to.

We live in a time where we have access to people all over the world. There are millions of people out there who are waiting for us to teach them, to help them or maybe even to entertain them. You don't have to be in the top 5 percent anymore. 20 percent will do just fine.

Watch the Video Here!

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